Probably others have other ideas about how significant August 31 would or should be to their lives.
Because probably some politician/s pissed them off or things didn't go so right for them in this country, although they never hesitate to call it their own. Others march and run riot in protest of what seems a never-ending disagreement with the system, it's makers and guardians.
On the outside, they label this land corrupt, a haven for terrorists and all that crap, they find so many things wrong with everything and everybody in this country. And some never are happy with what is available. Some others just believe they deserve more and more and more than what they are getting and this fuels their disagreement with everything.
I must say that at some points in my life I've raged, just cranked up by any of the above. But I then sit back and not just think, but decide. I decide that I cannot imagine anything other than this for myself. Put all that aside and I see that this is really my paradise, my beautiful place on earth, my everything. Just look at what we have. It is beautiful and it is great.
I've always been and will always be proud of this one thing and nobody will ever be able take it away even if they wanted to. It is me being from this country, being Malaysian. Whatever it is, people, this is ours. This is all we have.
Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia.

no land like malaysia ... it may be far from perfect, but so is the rest of the world. Merdeka!
Fowler is God but Torres is the new Almighty
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!
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