I remember very clearly how ex-colleague Sheridan Mahavera and myself were left dumbfounded by the players' antics. It was as if they'd just went on the pitch to buy time for 90 minutes before going for what they really wanted.
I would have never imagined something similar happening within the super safe confines of the Sepang Circuit. But eight years on, it did. Right after the Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix.
I was cursing the marshalls who just lost themselves, their professionalism, everything that came with those orange outfits they wore during arguably what was otherwise the most successful ever edition of the Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix hosted by Sepang.
A number of photographers had briefed us of what exactly transpired and it was quite an embarassment on the part of us all as hosts.
The photographers had gathered along with members of Rossi's official fans club, most of whom had flown in from Italy in anticipation of his ninth world title victory celebrations. And Rossi gave them what they came for.
As usual, there'd be Rossi's signature trackside ritual with his fans on his victory lap. This time the fan club came in t-shirts with the number nine emblazoned on their sleeves. They also brought a hen, along with a mock egg with the number nine on it, to symbolise his number of world titles and the saying that an old hen doesn't lay eggs and it's only good to be eaten.
So, the photographers made a deal with the fan club, to follow them and snap away as they performed the rituals. Prior to Rossi's arrival on the scene, the marshals, medics and service crew personnel stood guard, still like professionals, not allowing anyone onto the track.
But then, when Rossi finally arrived.....
Well, now we know why the marshals stood guard and protected Rossi's fan club and photographers, who were there to do their job, from any untoward incident. It was obviously because they wanted Rossi for themselves first.
Sepang International Circuit did a fantastic job of selling the race this time around. This scene was aired live on television throughout the world. And we can't blame SIC for this incident because it was beyond their control.
But the whole world saw how we had jakuns for marshals.
Nice one...
sgt memalukan.
satu lagi, cerita hang pasal trulli agak lapuk memandangkan Malay Mail sudahpun menulis tentangnya.
Thanks for the info Minah Lapuk..
Sorry for not using Malay Mail as one of my reference points.
ha ha saya pun tahu pasal seorang jakun, yang ambil basikal free lepas itu jual ... puki mak punya mamak tak ada kredibility langsung, apa punya pariah yang boleh buat begitu. Mungkin saudara kenal dia, wartawan sukan nst.
Hahaha Mr. Bongkok,
Now this is fun.
Well, hopefully you put everything in a more credible package so that you can actually get rid of this mamak reporter.
As far as I am concerned, thanks for the info. It isn't the first time people try to smear my name. Keep it up man. Cheers!
Since you put this way. lets make more interesting to it. YOU SUCKS!
To Arnaz,
Sabar, teguh, bahasa, maju dan hati-hati agar kita tidak tergolong dalam golongan munafik. Jika anda seorang yang benar abaikanlah ia dan maafkan MEREKA, Tidak merugikan dan anda kuat dan berani. Juga jika anda seorang pengecut sudah tentu anda tidak publish komen BONGKOK ini untuk dibaca. Berani kerana benar.
To Bongkok,
Manusia berbicara setiap masa. Bicara yang baik akan membawa keselamatan dan kebaikan kepada manusia. Jika bicara tidak mengikut adabnya, manusia akan merana di dunia dan di akhirat. Di dunia akan dibenci oleh manusia lain manakala di akhirat bicara yang menyakiti hati orang lain akan menyebabkan kita terseksa kekal abadi di dalam neraka Allah s.w.t.
Manusia tidak akan dapat mengalahkan syaitan kecuali dengan diam. Jalan yang terbaik ialah diam kalau kita tidak dapat bercakap kearah perkara-perkara yang baik. Bicara yang baik adalah lambang hati yang baik dan bersih yang bergantung kepada kekuatan iman pada diri manusia.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R. A; Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Sampaikan pesanku biarpun satu ayat... "
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