Well, the hours will run out for 2009 as they did this same time in each of my past 35 years.
To say I had a good year I must say, was never an option since I ended my schooldays. In those days, even memorable victories by our school hockey or football teams, which I was part of, made them overwhelmingly good years. It was so simple back then.
Selangor beating Johor 6-1 in the Malaysia Cup final in December, made 1986 a damn good year for me, right at the end of it.
It was a year when my SRKSJ hockey team got knocked out in the first round of the Petaling District zonal competition. I was the goalkeeper and I blamed myself for the two defeats we suffered to SRK Kelana Jaya and Sri Petaling.
But a 33-year old Mohtar Dahari playing like a man possessed in what was to be his last Malaysia Cup final, inspired me. The only thing I wasn't happy about with Selangor that year was their choice of shorts. You see, that year, I remember very clearly, Selangor wore yellow jerseys with red linings along the shoulders, but with GREEN shorts!
I was 12 and all that was really important to me! Haha..
But 1986 was also my best year because of another thing. It was a Year of the Tiger. I'm a tiger. And on March 4 that year, another tiger was bestowed upon the family and has since become one of my few sources of pride - my youngest brother Anis Mirza.
Anyway, that was just to point out how really complicated life has become since then.
This moment, these days, seems more like a chore. Closing accounts is more like the feeling. Hoping this new book, new chapter or whatever we call it, turns out okay this same time next December. The best I've ever managed to come up with was, "It should have been better, if..."
That is when you come up with resolutions, targets and all that nonsense. I did. But they're not a significant part of this moment in the year anymore. They're just stuff I think I can and should do to improve my life. Or at least try to do. It all ends up being just a thought, usually. That's life.
Well, I guess you'll all be heading for those countdowns, parties and traffic jams by now. And surely knowing that 2010 will be better for all of you, as was 2009 good to you.
So, Happy New Year everybody. Have a good one.